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Reembolso na Walmart US

Grande reembolso na Walmart US
+ Garantias 💣
Compre com cashback
Reembolso na Walmart US
até 8.72%
O cashback depende da tarifa Selecionar
Desde 0,01$
Para todos
Mens Apparel, Baby/Toddler/Boys/Girls Apparel, Shoes, Intimate Apparel/Womens Apparel, Accessories, Jewelry
até 4.35%+2%
Walmart Business Account
até 4.35$+2%
Books & Magazines
até 8.72%+2%
Media & Gaming, Electronics, Cameras and Supplies, Wireless, Pets and Supplies, Beauty, Seasonal, Celebration, Stationery, Automotive, Hardware & Tools/Do It Yourself
até 2.18%+2%
Baby Hardlines, Toys, Sporting Goods, Patio and Garden, Horticulture
até 4.35%+2%
Arts, Crafts, Sewing & Fabric, Cook and Dine, Home Decor, Bath and Shower, Bedding, Home Management, Furniture
até 4.35%+2%
Non-commissionable categories (find in the Rules of the program)
até 0%+2%
até 0%+2%
até 0%+2%
até 0%+2%
Seu cashback foi aumentado pelo status VIP (ver)
Enquanto espera, o saldo não possui ₽:
Mens Apparel, Baby/Toddler/Boys/Girls Apparel, Shoes, Intimate Apparel/Womens Apparel, Accessories, Jewelry
até 2.51%+2%
Walmart Business Account
até 2.51$+2%
Books & Magazines
até 5.02%+2%
Media & Gaming, Electronics, Cameras and Supplies, Wireless, Pets and Supplies, Beauty, Seasonal, Celebration, Stationery, Automotive, Hardware & Tools/Do It Yourself
até 1.25%+2%
Baby Hardlines, Toys, Sporting Goods, Patio and Garden, Horticulture
até 2.51%+2%
Arts, Crafts, Sewing & Fabric, Cook and Dine, Home Decor, Bath and Shower, Bedding, Home Management, Furniture
até 2.51%+2%
Non-commissionable categories (find in the Rules of the program)
até 0%+2%
até 0%+2%
até 0%+2%
até 0%+2%
Depois de ₽
Mens Apparel, Baby/Toddler/Boys/Girls Apparel, Shoes, Intimate Apparel/Womens Apparel, Accessories, Jewelry
até 1.55%+2%
Walmart Business Account
até 1.55$+2%
Books & Magazines
até 3.12%+2%
Media & Gaming, Electronics, Cameras and Supplies, Wireless, Pets and Supplies, Beauty, Seasonal, Celebration, Stationery, Automotive, Hardware & Tools/Do It Yourself
até 0.78%+2%
Baby Hardlines, Toys, Sporting Goods, Patio and Garden, Horticulture
até 1.55%+2%
Arts, Crafts, Sewing & Fabric, Cook and Dine, Home Decor, Bath and Shower, Bedding, Home Management, Furniture
até 1.55%+2%
Non-commissionable categories (find in the Rules of the program)
até 0%+2%
até 0%+2%
até 0%+2%
até 0%+2%
Mens Apparel, Baby/Toddler/Boys/Girls Apparel, Shoes, Intimate Apparel/Womens Apparel, Accessories, Jewelry
até 2.04%+2%
Walmart Business Account
até 2.04$+2%
Books & Magazines
até 4.09%+2%
Media & Gaming, Electronics, Cameras and Supplies, Wireless, Pets and Supplies, Beauty, Seasonal, Celebration, Stationery, Automotive, Hardware & Tools/Do It Yourself
até 1.02%+2%
Baby Hardlines, Toys, Sporting Goods, Patio and Garden, Horticulture
até 2.04%+2%
Arts, Crafts, Sewing & Fabric, Cook and Dine, Home Decor, Bath and Shower, Bedding, Home Management, Furniture
até 2.04%+2%
Non-commissionable categories (find in the Rules of the program)
até 0%+2%
até 0%+2%
até 0%+2%
até 0%+2%
Seu cashback foi aumentado pelo status VIP (ver)
Mens Apparel, Baby/Toddler/Boys/Girls Apparel, Shoes, Intimate Apparel/Womens Apparel, Accessories, Jewelry
até 1.5%+2%
Walmart Business Account
até 1.5$+2%
Books & Magazines
até 3.02%+2%
Media & Gaming, Electronics, Cameras and Supplies, Wireless, Pets and Supplies, Beauty, Seasonal, Celebration, Stationery, Automotive, Hardware & Tools/Do It Yourself
até 0.76%+2%
Baby Hardlines, Toys, Sporting Goods, Patio and Garden, Horticulture
até 1.5%+2%
Arts, Crafts, Sewing & Fabric, Cook and Dine, Home Decor, Bath and Shower, Bedding, Home Management, Furniture
até 1.5%+2%
Non-commissionable categories (find in the Rules of the program)
até 0%+2%
até 0%+2%
até 0%+2%
até 0%+2%
Mens Apparel, Baby/Toddler/Boys/Girls Apparel, Shoes, Intimate Apparel/Womens Apparel, Accessories, Jewelry
até 0.53%+2%
Walmart Business Account
até 0.53$+2%
Books & Magazines
até 1.08%+2%
Media & Gaming, Electronics, Cameras and Supplies, Wireless, Pets and Supplies, Beauty, Seasonal, Celebration, Stationery, Automotive, Hardware & Tools/Do It Yourself
até 0.27%+2%
Baby Hardlines, Toys, Sporting Goods, Patio and Garden, Horticulture
até 0.53%+2%
Arts, Crafts, Sewing & Fabric, Cook and Dine, Home Decor, Bath and Shower, Bedding, Home Management, Furniture
até 0.53%+2%
Non-commissionable categories (find in the Rules of the program)
até 0%+2%
até 0%+2%
até 0%+2%
até 0%+2%
Avaliações da loja
Walmart US
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cashback se:
1. Cashback will only be credited for purchases made through the website; orders through the Walmart app are not paid for.
2. Add items to your cart only after activating cashback.
Tempo de espera do cashback
Tempo médio: 125 dias.
Tempo máximo: 310 .
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