Esta tienda no opera en tu país, consulta Otras tiendas o Cambiar pais si tienes una dirección de entrega en el extranjero.
devolución de dinero

Reembolso en

Gran reembolso en Yamdiet
+ Garantías 💣
Reembolso en Yamdiet
Cashback hasta
El reembolso depende del modo Elegir
Venta al por mayor
Desde 0,01$
Para todos
New client (Paid order Yamcity)
hasta el 4189.12₽+2%
New client (Paid order for other programs)
hasta el 4189.12₽+2%
Old client (Paid order of other programs)
hasta el 1047.28₽+2%
Extension of meals (Paid order for other programs)
hasta el 261.82₽+2%
Old customer (Paid order Yamcity)
hasta el 1047.28₽+2%
Power Extension (Yamcity Paid Order)
hasta el 261.82₽+2%
New user (paid vegan/fast food order)
hasta el 1047.28₽+2%
Old user or renewal (paid vegan/fast food order)
hasta el 392.73₽+2%
Old customer (orders over 7 days with discounts (any programs))
hasta el 1047.28₽+2%
Power extension (orders over 7 days with discounts (any programs))
hasta el 261.82₽+2%
New customer (orders over 7 days with discounts (any programs))
hasta el 4189.12₽+2%
Old user or renewal (promo orders and trial days)
hasta el 392.73₽+2%
New user (promo orders and trial days)
hasta el 1832.74₽+2%
Old customer (orders over 1 week without discounts (any programs))
hasta el 1047.28₽+2%
Power extension (orders over 1 week without discounts (any programs))
hasta el 261.82₽+2%
New client (orders more than 1 week without discounts (any programs))
hasta el 4974.58₽+2%
Su reembolso aumenta con el estado VIP (Mira)
Mientras espera y en el saldo no hay ₽:
New client (Paid order Yamcity)
hasta el 2416.8₽+2%
New client (Paid order for other programs)
hasta el 2416.8₽+2%
Old client (Paid order of other programs)
hasta el 604.2₽+2%
Extension of meals (Paid order for other programs)
hasta el 151.05₽+2%
Old customer (Paid order Yamcity)
hasta el 604.2₽+2%
Power Extension (Yamcity Paid Order)
hasta el 151.05₽+2%
New user (paid vegan/fast food order)
hasta el 604.2₽+2%
Old user or renewal (paid vegan/fast food order)
hasta el 226.57₽+2%
Old customer (orders over 7 days with discounts (any programs))
hasta el 604.2₽+2%
Power extension (orders over 7 days with discounts (any programs))
hasta el 151.05₽+2%
New customer (orders over 7 days with discounts (any programs))
hasta el 2416.8₽+2%
Old user or renewal (promo orders and trial days)
hasta el 226.57₽+2%
New user (promo orders and trial days)
hasta el 1057.35₽+2%
Old customer (orders over 1 week without discounts (any programs))
hasta el 604.2₽+2%
Power extension (orders over 1 week without discounts (any programs))
hasta el 151.05₽+2%
New client (orders more than 1 week without discounts (any programs))
hasta el 2869.95₽+2%
Después de ₽ :
New client (Paid order Yamcity)
hasta el 1305.07₽+2%
New client (Paid order for other programs)
hasta el 1305.07₽+2%
Old client (Paid order of other programs)
hasta el 326.27₽+2%
Extension of meals (Paid order for other programs)
hasta el 81.57₽+2%
Old customer (Paid order Yamcity)
hasta el 326.27₽+2%
Power Extension (Yamcity Paid Order)
hasta el 81.57₽+2%
New user (paid vegan/fast food order)
hasta el 326.27₽+2%
Old user or renewal (paid vegan/fast food order)
hasta el 122.35₽+2%
Old customer (orders over 7 days with discounts (any programs))
hasta el 326.27₽+2%
Power extension (orders over 7 days with discounts (any programs))
hasta el 81.57₽+2%
New customer (orders over 7 days with discounts (any programs))
hasta el 1305.07₽+2%
Old user or renewal (promo orders and trial days)
hasta el 122.35₽+2%
New user (promo orders and trial days)
hasta el 570.97₽+2%
Old customer (orders over 1 week without discounts (any programs))
hasta el 326.27₽+2%
Power extension (orders over 1 week without discounts (any programs))
hasta el 81.57₽+2%
New client (orders more than 1 week without discounts (any programs))
hasta el 1549.77₽+2%
New client (Paid order Yamcity)
hasta el 1965.66₽+2%
New client (Paid order for other programs)
hasta el 1965.66₽+2%
Old client (Paid order of other programs)
hasta el 491.42₽+2%
Extension of meals (Paid order for other programs)
hasta el 122.85₽+2%
Old customer (Paid order Yamcity)
hasta el 491.42₽+2%
Power Extension (Yamcity Paid Order)
hasta el 122.85₽+2%
New user (paid vegan/fast food order)
hasta el 491.42₽+2%
Old user or renewal (paid vegan/fast food order)
hasta el 184.28₽+2%
Old customer (orders over 7 days with discounts (any programs))
hasta el 491.42₽+2%
Power extension (orders over 7 days with discounts (any programs))
hasta el 122.85₽+2%
New customer (orders over 7 days with discounts (any programs))
hasta el 1965.66₽+2%
Old user or renewal (promo orders and trial days)
hasta el 184.28₽+2%
New user (promo orders and trial days)
hasta el 859.98₽+2%
Old customer (orders over 1 week without discounts (any programs))
hasta el 491.42₽+2%
Power extension (orders over 1 week without discounts (any programs))
hasta el 122.85₽+2%
New client (orders more than 1 week without discounts (any programs))
hasta el 2334.23₽+2%
Su reembolso aumenta con el estado VIP (Mira)
New client (Paid order Yamcity)
hasta el 1160.06₽+2%
New client (Paid order for other programs)
hasta el 1160.06₽+2%
Old client (Paid order of other programs)
hasta el 290.02₽+2%
Extension of meals (Paid order for other programs)
hasta el 72.5₽+2%
Old customer (Paid order Yamcity)
hasta el 290.02₽+2%
Power Extension (Yamcity Paid Order)
hasta el 72.5₽+2%
New user (paid vegan/fast food order)
hasta el 290.02₽+2%
Old user or renewal (paid vegan/fast food order)
hasta el 108.76₽+2%
Old customer (orders over 7 days with discounts (any programs))
hasta el 290.02₽+2%
Power extension (orders over 7 days with discounts (any programs))
hasta el 72.5₽+2%
New customer (orders over 7 days with discounts (any programs))
hasta el 1160.06₽+2%
Old user or renewal (promo orders and trial days)
hasta el 108.76₽+2%
New user (promo orders and trial days)
hasta el 507.53₽+2%
Old customer (orders over 1 week without discounts (any programs))
hasta el 290.02₽+2%
Power extension (orders over 1 week without discounts (any programs))
hasta el 72.5₽+2%
New client (orders more than 1 week without discounts (any programs))
hasta el 1377.58₽+2%
New client (Paid order Yamcity)
hasta el 515.58₽+2%
New client (Paid order for other programs)
hasta el 515.58₽+2%
Old client (Paid order of other programs)
hasta el 128.9₽+2%
Extension of meals (Paid order for other programs)
hasta el 32.22₽+2%
Old customer (Paid order Yamcity)
hasta el 128.9₽+2%
Power Extension (Yamcity Paid Order)
hasta el 32.22₽+2%
New user (paid vegan/fast food order)
hasta el 128.9₽+2%
Old user or renewal (paid vegan/fast food order)
hasta el 48.34₽+2%
Old customer (orders over 7 days with discounts (any programs))
hasta el 128.9₽+2%
Power extension (orders over 7 days with discounts (any programs))
hasta el 32.22₽+2%
New customer (orders over 7 days with discounts (any programs))
hasta el 515.58₽+2%
Old user or renewal (promo orders and trial days)
hasta el 48.34₽+2%
New user (promo orders and trial days)
hasta el 225.57₽+2%
Old customer (orders over 1 week without discounts (any programs))
hasta el 128.9₽+2%
Power extension (orders over 1 week without discounts (any programs))
hasta el 32.22₽+2%
New client (orders more than 1 week without discounts (any programs))
hasta el 612.26₽+2%
Reseñas de la tienda
Averigüe la calificación real de la calidad y confiabilidad de la empresa
Calificación de la empresa
Nadie ha dejado una reseña sobre esta tienda.
¿Porque somos nosotros?
Dando Garantías
😎 Aprenda primero las
reglas técnicas de activación para no perder su reembolso. ¡Saber!
🏪 La tienda no paga
reembolso si:
Cashback Timeout
Tiempo medio: 31 dia.
Tiempo maximo: 122 dias.
Disponibilidad en paises