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Snapdeal IN

Huge cashback in Snapdeal IN
+ Guarantees 💣
Cashback in Snapdeal IN
Cashback up to
Cashback depends on the mode Choose
From 0.01$
For all
Books (New User)
up to 25.66%+2%
Appliances (New User)
up to 11%+2%
Books (Old User)
up to 12.83%+2%
Appliances (Old User)
up to 5.5%+2%
Eyewear (New User)
up to 14.66%+2%
Ayurveda & Alternative Health Therapies (New User)
up to 16.49%+2%
Automotive (Old User)
up to 14.66%+2%
Boys Clothing (New User)
up to 14.66%+2%
Electronic Accessories (New User)
up to 12.83%+2%
Eyewear (Old User)
up to 7.33%+2%
Ayurveda & Alternative Health Therapies (Old User)
up to 9.16%+2%
Automotive (Old User)
up to 7.33%+2%
Boys Clothing (Old User)
up to 7.33%+2%
Electronic Accessories (Old User)
up to 7.33%+2%
Your cashback is increased by VIP status (look)
While waiting and on the balance there is no ₽:
Books (New User)
up to 14.8%+2%
Appliances (New User)
up to 6.34%+2%
Books (Old User)
up to 7.4%+2%
Appliances (Old User)
up to 3.17%+2%
Eyewear (New User)
up to 8.46%+2%
Ayurveda & Alternative Health Therapies (New User)
up to 9.52%+2%
Automotive (Old User)
up to 8.46%+2%
Boys Clothing (New User)
up to 8.46%+2%
Electronic Accessories (New User)
up to 7.4%+2%
Eyewear (Old User)
up to 4.23%+2%
Ayurveda & Alternative Health Therapies (Old User)
up to 5.29%+2%
Automotive (Old User)
up to 4.23%+2%
Boys Clothing (Old User)
up to 4.23%+2%
Electronic Accessories (Old User)
up to 4.23%+2%
After ₽ :
Books (New User)
Appliances (New User)
up to 3.42%+2%
Books (Old User)
Appliances (Old User)
up to 1.71%+2%
Eyewear (New User)
up to 4.57%+2%
Ayurveda & Alternative Health Therapies (New User)
up to 5.14%+2%
Automotive (Old User)
up to 4.57%+2%
Boys Clothing (New User)
up to 4.57%+2%
Electronic Accessories (New User)
Eyewear (Old User)
up to 2.29%+2%
Ayurveda & Alternative Health Therapies (Old User)
up to 2.85%+2%
Automotive (Old User)
up to 2.29%+2%
Boys Clothing (Old User)
up to 2.29%+2%
Electronic Accessories (Old User)
up to 2.29%+2%
Books (New User)
up to 12.04%+2%
Appliances (New User)
up to 5.16%+2%
Books (Old User)
up to 6.02%+2%
Appliances (Old User)
up to 2.58%+2%
Eyewear (New User)
up to 6.88%+2%
Ayurveda & Alternative Health Therapies (New User)
up to 7.74%+2%
Automotive (Old User)
up to 6.88%+2%
Boys Clothing (New User)
up to 6.88%+2%
Electronic Accessories (New User)
up to 6.02%+2%
Eyewear (Old User)
up to 3.44%+2%
Ayurveda & Alternative Health Therapies (Old User)
up to 4.3%+2%
Automotive (Old User)
up to 3.44%+2%
Boys Clothing (Old User)
up to 3.44%+2%
Electronic Accessories (Old User)
up to 3.44%+2%
Your cashback is increased by VIP status (look)
Books (New User)
up to 7.11%+2%
Appliances (New User)
up to 3.04%+2%
Books (Old User)
up to 3.55%+2%
Appliances (Old User)
up to 1.52%+2%
Eyewear (New User)
up to 4.06%+2%
Ayurveda & Alternative Health Therapies (New User)
up to 4.57%+2%
Automotive (Old User)
up to 4.06%+2%
Boys Clothing (New User)
up to 4.06%+2%
Electronic Accessories (New User)
up to 3.55%+2%
Eyewear (Old User)
up to 2.03%+2%
Ayurveda & Alternative Health Therapies (Old User)
up to 2.54%+2%
Automotive (Old User)
up to 2.03%+2%
Boys Clothing (Old User)
up to 2.03%+2%
Electronic Accessories (Old User)
up to 2.03%+2%
Books (New User)
up to 3.16%+2%
Appliances (New User)
up to 1.35%+2%
Books (Old User)
up to 1.58%+2%
Appliances (Old User)
up to 0.67%+2%
Eyewear (New User)
up to 1.8%+2%
Ayurveda & Alternative Health Therapies (New User)
up to 2.03%+2%
Automotive (Old User)
up to 1.8%+2%
Boys Clothing (New User)
up to 1.8%+2%
Electronic Accessories (New User)
up to 1.58%+2%
Eyewear (Old User)
up to 0.91%+2%
Ayurveda & Alternative Health Therapies (Old User)
up to 1.13%+2%
Automotive (Old User)
up to 0.91%+2%
Boys Clothing (Old User)
up to 0.91%+2%
Electronic Accessories (Old User)
up to 0.91%+2%
Store Reviews
Snapdeal IN
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🏪 The store does not pay
cashback if:
Cashback Timeout
Average time: 74 days.
Maximum time: 208 days.
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