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Category 1 (Apple, Household appliances, Mobile communication, Notebooks, PC, Tablets, Others, TV, Audio-video equipment, Photography)
Category 2 (Auto products, Alcohol, Alternative smoking, Dietary supplements, Gadgets, Dacha and Garden, Repair, Pet supplies, Office stationery, Books, Musical instruments, Clothes and shoes, Perfumes, care and makeup, Food, Network equipment, Sports , recreation and tourism, Goods for adults (18+), Goods for children, Goods for home and office)
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While waiting, the balance does not have ₽:
Category 1 (Apple, Household appliances, Mobile communication, Notebooks, PC, Tablets, Others, TV, Audio-video equipment, Photography)
Category 2 (Auto products, Alcohol, Alternative smoking, Dietary supplements, Gadgets, Dacha and Garden, Repair, Pet supplies, Office stationery, Books, Musical instruments, Clothes and shoes, Perfumes, care and makeup, Food, Network equipment, Sports , recreation and tourism, Goods for adults (18+), Goods for children, Goods for home and office)
After ₽
Category 1 (Apple, Household appliances, Mobile communication, Notebooks, PC, Tablets, Others, TV, Audio-video equipment, Photography)
Category 2 (Auto products, Alcohol, Alternative smoking, Dietary supplements, Gadgets, Dacha and Garden, Repair, Pet supplies, Office stationery, Books, Musical instruments, Clothes and shoes, Perfumes, care and makeup, Food, Network equipment, Sports , recreation and tourism, Goods for adults (18+), Goods for children, Goods for home and office)
Category 1 (Apple, Household appliances, Mobile communication, Notebooks, PC, Tablets, Others, TV, Audio-video equipment, Photography)
Category 2 (Auto products, Alcohol, Alternative smoking, Dietary supplements, Gadgets, Dacha and Garden, Repair, Pet supplies, Office stationery, Books, Musical instruments, Clothes and shoes, Perfumes, care and makeup, Food, Network equipment, Sports , recreation and tourism, Goods for adults (18+), Goods for children, Goods for home and office)
Your cashback is increased due to VIP status (view)
Category 1 (Apple, Household appliances, Mobile communication, Notebooks, PC, Tablets, Others, TV, Audio-video equipment, Photography)
Category 2 (Auto products, Alcohol, Alternative smoking, Dietary supplements, Gadgets, Dacha and Garden, Repair, Pet supplies, Office stationery, Books, Musical instruments, Clothes and shoes, Perfumes, care and makeup, Food, Network equipment, Sports , recreation and tourism, Goods for adults (18+), Goods for children, Goods for home and office)
Category 1 (Apple, Household appliances, Mobile communication, Notebooks, PC, Tablets, Others, TV, Audio-video equipment, Photography)
Category 2 (Auto products, Alcohol, Alternative smoking, Dietary supplements, Gadgets, Dacha and Garden, Repair, Pet supplies, Office stationery, Books, Musical instruments, Clothes and shoes, Perfumes, care and makeup, Food, Network equipment, Sports , recreation and tourism, Goods for adults (18+), Goods for children, Goods for home and office)
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